YouTube Shorts Generator

Exponential Content Creation on YouTube

"With my old workflow, creating just one YouTube Short felt like climbing Mount Everest"

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Exponential Content Creation on YouTube

Project Overview

A YouTuber with over 800,000 subscribers was drowning in time-consuming content creation tasks. Editing, titling, captions, and topic ideation were bottlenecks hindering his growth.

Project Execution

Mixsoft developed an AI-powered tool that:

  • Extracts highlights and generates video titles & descriptions with auto-chapters.
  • Creates highly accurate captions saving hours of manual work.
  • Analyzes YouTube & search data to suggest trending video topics and generate video scripts.
  • Automates publishing schedules for seamless YouTube management.



  • 800% increase in productivity: More time for creativity and audience engagement.
  • Streamlined workflow: From concept to publish, content creation became effortless.
  • Data-driven content strategy: Videos aligned with audience demands and trends, boosting views and engagement.

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